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Content Syndication Strategies Guide To Get Website Traffic

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Spread your blog content and get more website traffic by these Content Syndication Strategies.

What’s the point of having great original content in your blog post if only a few people see it and nobody knows it exists? To make matters worse, it doesn’t even show up in Google’s search results. So how do you get your content to show up in search engines?

That’s where content syndication comes in and this helps your blog post get into the hands of your target audience.

What is content syndication?

Content syndication is a digital marketing strategy that allows you to share your original article multiple times on authoritative sites so that a wider audience can see your original content blog post.

If you are a content marketer then it’s likely you write a lot or have someone write for you. If you syndicate content, it’s likely more eyes will see it and you will not only share your content but also build your brand awareness and organic traffic.

Syndicated content provides huge SEO value in your content marketing strategyBecause of this, we have some ways to level up your blog and start outranking competitors on Google search.

Use these strategies to reach larger audiences and become an authority in your field. These marketing strategies can help you gain credibility from website visitors, and become a company that people trust.

Make sure to keep this guide handy because using even one of these techniques to start syndicating your content may step up your blog game.

Labels with social media icons. Concept. 3d

Syndicate Your Content on Social Media

If you’re going to make a blog post, you should share your content. That’s a no brainer. But how do you go about doing this?

The first place to share your is to control your own content syndication on social media.

Social media platforms like FacebookTwitterPinterestMedium, and Quora, are great syndication opportunities. Sharing your original content on many platforms means a wider audience and a more diverse crowd.

The great thing about platforms like Medium and LinkedIn is that you get to use a canonical tag. The canonical tag lets the search engine know that the blog post is duplicate content and your blog post on your site is the original content.

Sharing on many content syndication platforms is great, but if you can’t commit, only share on one until you are ready to handle more. It’s better to dominate one platform than to get overshadowed on multiple platforms.

Hardcore Twitter fans are different than hardcore Facebookers (ignore the names). The diversity lets you tap into different markets that you wouldn’t be able to reach otherwise.

Partner With An Influencer

One great way of content syndication is to find a social media influencer and partner with them or simply pay them to promote your blog content. Influencers will often have a broader audience you can utilize and they will often share it which can help them land on authoritative sites.

Since these content creators have a large audience, their simple tweets or mention can often build massive brand awareness quickly which can lead to others sharing your original article and syndicate content for you.

Male hand drawing Sharing concept on transparent wipe board.

Be The Digital Expert In Your Field

Would you trust a random guy on the street for a solution to a headache or a doctor in a lab coat? People on the internet are picky with who they trust since there are endless sources with no credibility.

To become a higher authority than your competitors, you must offer high-quality content and build your online presence. You can do this by offering actionable advice that gets the users the results they are looking for.

Your content marketing strategy, mixed with high-quality content in your blog posts can increase your brand awareness making you a higher authority than the competitors in your area or even those in the search results sharing page one of the search engine.

Social Media Groups And Forums

By joining online forums and other online social media groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., you can continue to share relevant content to your target audience and increase your online visibility.

Share your value by sharing your knowledge.

Share the value you have on your specific niche. This builds credibility and trust between you and your website visitors. Those visitors will want to go straight to the source, this source is your website, of course.

Blog Comments. Do They Work Or Not?

Gone are the days where a blog comment can increase your SEO. They no longer increase your backlinks either since they have all become nofollow links. They can, however, increase human interaction if you are sincere in your comment.

This should go without saying, but avoid leaving links in these comments. Most websites will mark them as spam or delete them completely if you do. Offer meaningful content that may be of use to someone scrolling through the comments. You might get a few clicks and organic traffic to your page.

Guest Posting Is Still Great

Guest posting, also known as guest blogging is when you write new content for another website, usually in order to gain a backlink and website traffic back to your site or your original content.

When you pursue guest posting, make sure it’s new content. This is not the place to repost the blog post you want to generate traffic to. The guest post is a source to build your online presence and drive them back to your high-quality content that is on your website. This will help generate website traffic to your own website.

By using new content, you avoid any chance of duplicate content issues that may cause your blog content to no longer rank.

Be Careful With Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is when the same content appears on more than one website. When duplicate content issues arise, search engines don’t know what article is the original if there is no canonical tag showing them which site is the original publisher.

When syndicating content by sharing the same content on multiple websites, you must make sure that the syndicated post has a canonical tag. Whether you are manually syndicating content or using a content syndication platform, you must make sure that the original content is referenced with a canonical tag.

What Is A Canonical Tag

canonical tag shows search engines what URL is the original source which will allow them to identify which syndicated content is the duplicate content.

By adding a canonical tag, you make sure that you are referenced as the relevant content and others are a copy. However, even with a canonical tag, if you have posted on a higher authority website, that syndicated post may still rank higher in the search engine results than your original version.

Is Email A Viable Content Syndication Platform?

Email subscribers are often an overlooked source when it comes to content syndication. When you create a blog post, consider emailing everyone subscribed to your blog. You may have some overlooked gems subscribed to you and when these email subscribers see your blog post, they may share it which can show your content to an even larger audience.

As you continue to find sources to syndicate your content and more organic traffic visits your site, you are likely to rank higher in the search engine results because you will become an online authority.

Find Questions And Answer Them.

As we move into the final strategy, I’d like you to consider this. There are currently 7 billion people on this earth. I mention this because I want you to imagine how many people use the internet to solve problems. Think of how many use it to find answers to their questions. This is where you come in.

You know your niche market inside and out. You can go on Quora, a site where millions of people ask questions. When there, find a few questions and answer them. Answer The Public is also a great source to find questions and you can write your own content.

Are you into deep sea fishing? Someone has asked about it.

Are you into making your own beer? Someone has asked about it.

You are the person that provides an answer or insight into the problem that someone is having. Make sure you have your own original version of the answer. When you answer these questions, people will often go to your profile. Make sure your own website is linked in your profile, and watch the organic traffic come in.

This is a CHEAT SHEET for content syndication and I want you to use it.

Excellent content comes in many forms from blog posts to video content such as videos, walkthroughs, tutorials, etc.

Guest blogging, video content, blog posts, and more. When you look at yourself as a content marketer, you are building authoritative sites of your own. Share them through guest posts, republishing content with canonical tags.

When you become a content creator, part of the battle is the creation, the other part is getting it in front of your target audience.

This is free information that most people don’t pay attention to. They write their post, publish it, and hope the organic traffic comes in, but rarely does it.

Not You.

You have the knowledge of your field and now you have the tools that will help you in content syndication and spread awareness of your own content. Always watch for syndication opportunities to increase your online visibility.

Feel free to join the discussion below or contact us with questions.

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What are some types of content syndication strategies?

Content syndication strategies include guest blogging on relevant industry websites, republishing content on social media platforms, submitting articles to online industry publications, partnering with other businesses to co-create and share content, embedding a content feed on your website for other sites to use and leveraging influencer marketing to amplify reach.


  • Great article, content syndication seems like a very good idea. Thank you.

  • Syndicating content is a great way to improve your lead generation efforts because it amplifies your reach, allowing you to tap into an audience you might not have been able to reach otherwise. This helps you optimize returns & put your content in front of a relevant demographic with high buying potential, so you’re not restricted to your immediate audience of subscribers and loyal followers.

  • Such an amazing blog, I love reading all your blogs. They are super amazing and informative at the same time. Bookmark your page already, keep posting more.

  • Content syndication is a central element of modern growth marketing.

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